Xander Michel Pearce Brooks is now an amazing (and sometimes snarky) 15 year old with the ongoing puzzle we’re all trying to solve called Mito. Lucky for us, we’ve had the incredible support and care of many individuals over the years, not least of all Dr. Russ Saneto, our hero at Seattle Children’s Hospital with the bow tie. While his early years were filled with many hospitalizations and health challenges, Xander (thankfully) continues on a trajectory (with a setback from time to time) that is both forward and positive for which we are grateful on a daily basis.
Xander continues to challenge himself and what’s expected of him all the while making anyone and everyone around him laugh. Now a rising sophomore in high-school (srsly?!) at the Bellevue Big Picture School, Xander continues to improve in leaps and bounds in both physical therapy with Miss Julie as well as adaptive riding at Little Bit Therapeutic Riding Center in Redmond. Xander’s walking continues to improve (although Covid has provided some challenges) as does his endurance for a myriad of activities. He enjoyed his fifth year doing adaptive skiing in Whistler (as well as a bonus at Breckenridge) and continues to gain strength and skills on Lake Washington or the pool.
Xander continues to enjoy our family adventures including a trip to Scandinavia for the holidays 2018-2019 where we got to visit family, enjoy his favorite water park (Lalandia) and much more. The world is a different place right now, on so many levels, but what has been most impressive (especially for a 15 year old boy) is how adaptable and positive he’s been throughout. While Mito has nothing to do with who the person he is and has become…the person he is and has become has a lot to do with how he handles Mito…and for that, we’re epically grateful.